Soulmates shmoalmates....I do believe in soulmates -I have experienced the connection when you see someone and you know them from another time. A time when time did not exist. The world around you slips into a white noise in the background and all you know is that the soul that stands infront of you - is you. Has parts of you that you were searching for without knowing those parts were missing.
Its like finding a womb where belonging is being and moving away is like having your heart ripped open. Once seen, smelt, tasted and connected - this life is no longer as it was just a few seconds ago.
Yes I have felt this - walked it and lived through it.
But I can also say unequivically that there is not only ONE soulmate per lifetime...but rather a number of them. As each one passes through this life - they bring with the lessons needed to evolve. Once the lesson is done - the time comes to move and sometimes the soulmate you were with needs to move on to.
For some they are fortunate or maybe just too darn stubborn to let go of that one soulmate so they stay together and learn the same lesson over and over.
And for a select few the trauma of meeting another soulmate occurs whilst they are still with the first one....this is the story of pain, tragedy and rejection.
This is the hardest time for those wanting to give love as love is not allowed to be shared in this world we know. It is the love of jealously,envy and possessiveness. Not a love of unity, sisterhood and eternity. It is made to be exclusive and causes pain and abandonment to all in the triangle. But why would a person be faced with this choice. Is it not unfair of the universe to provide you with two or three soulmates at the same time - whilst others cannot even find one.
In my humble opinion it is as it should be - because the idea that you should and can only love one person is ludicrous. As humans we are built with a heart that can love our mother, our father, our sisters and cousins...so why then can we not love more than one wife or one partner. Why is love limited by society that dictates we should not explore communal love. Is that a dirty word - or rather be interpreted by the religious as an orgy? If we lived in a world where we had self love and we valued our community and we were not dominated by the ego's need for validation - we would learn the greatest lesson in this life....that love is free....that love can be given and received to all and that love is eternal...or we can wallow in high rates of divorce, affairs, sexual deviant acts of sodomy to pretend we are inclined to be monogomous and can mate with one person for the rest of our life.....
Huh I reel back from what I have written knowing that in reality I am married and how would I feel if I was the one facing the possibility of sharing a lover!!
Not so sure of myself now am I???
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