In 2060 I will be around 80 years old - that is if I am spared to live out my days until then. It is bazaar to think about that time or being that age. Because as the present dictates my life I cant look ahead and worry about it or even imagine it.
But the other day it struck me - that at that age I would have seen the invention of the mobile phone, HDV and flying to the moon for fun. How can technology possibly advance more than it has already. Will the Earth have enough resources to feed the human race that does not respect its nature? Or will we implode and have to buy air and water - like a wonderful soul sister wrote in her soon to be released movie - or will we have a new world. Where technology regresses and we go back to traditional forms of living - like growing our own produce and working within enclosed communities. Who knows.
What I do know is this - in life - regardless of how long I spend in this life there are a few fundamental truths for me. Whatever the date or time ...however old I get I hope to live these truths until the day I die.
1. Love is eternal - it transcends death and life - it is unconditional and created to heal all humankind, nature and animal kingdom - if practiced truthfully.
2. I cannot change or impact on others freewill. Not in the name of "helping" them or for love or because it is my mother, father, best friend. People have a choice how to live their lives - and they will choose it regardless of my interference.
3. How I present myself to the world -is how I am on the inside. This is called INTEGRITY.
4. Trust cannot be taken away if it is not given in the first place.
5. SELF LOVE is the basis for all LOVE. Without it - True love can never be experienced.
So the idea of aging is there
Just like the idea of death
But it is only when it arrives
In the present
That it is there!!
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